History Repeated ] Jump Into My Soul ] Glassy Eyed Tour ] Tinker Click ]

History Repeated
Jump Into My Soul
Glassy Eyed Tour
Tinker Click

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What exactly is a "Lesdemona"?



Lesdemona - (n.) Les - meaning the shortened version of Leslie,  Demona - meaning devilish, bold, interesting, sexy, and challenging.  Lesdemona - a devilish, bold, interesting, sexy, and challenging gal.


    What does it all mean?  Well.. lets see.. here is an intro to my website, Click and Enjoy....

History Repeated:  Are you a Voyeur?  Have you ever wanted to read the secret thoughts of someone else, your neighbor, your friend, you mother?  This segment of my website incorporates my genius writing ability with my every day life and thought process.  This is my journals.  If you want to know what is going on in my life, or in my mind, here is where you will find the words that tell it all.. or most of it.

Jump Into My Soul:  This little spot on my website is devoted to my current and past creative writing.  I have been writing for years and find expressing my dreams, fantasies, fears, my darker side, and even some wacky things that come out of the deepest crevasses of my imagination help me to make believe when there is no way I will ever be.  Enjoy it... sometimes parts of me show through that I will never reveal in person.

Glassy Eyed Tour:  This portion of my website is devoted to my life, in pictures.  My friends and family mean a lot to me and I love sharing them with everyone.  Often my friends and I will go out on some adventure and take the camera with us.  So.. here for your visual pleasure.. are the pictures.

Tinker Click:  I have places on this wild world web that I frequent, I find interesting, and there are movies, music and other "stuff" that I like to share my opinion with everyone, so if you ever wanna know what interests me.. have a peek here for some cool spots. 





This page was last updated on 03/23/01.